This year due to the coronavirus lockdown the Shri Sanjay Sai Vrindavan Aashram remained closed for nine months. The Ashram has now opened for Swami’s physical darshan and bhajan from 10th Paush, 2077 (25th December 2020) on “Christmas”. The entry of devotees inside the Aashram which had continued on a regular basis was prohibited during the pandemic owing to the risk of the transmission. Many devotees were suffering from the deprivation of Swami’s physical darshan due to the pandemic. Those Devotees who participated on Christmas day have received salvation from the 9 months of suffering. For the safety and devotees’ convenience to visit the ashram we have scheduled bhajan and Swami’s physical darshan only once a week, viz. Saturday where all the devotees are volunteered to follow all the hygiene and safety protocols to contain the spread of Covid-19. And also everyone visiting the temple premises has been made a compulsion to wear a mask. We welcome every loving Sairam in the Shri Sanjay Sai Vrindavan Aashram upcoming every Saturday’s program.
How Shri Sanjay Sai Baba is related to Sri Sathya Sai Baba?Is He continuation of Sri Sathya Sai avatar?Please elaborate. SAI Ram
Sorry for the late reply.
Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba is the continuation of the Sai Avatar the third Sai incarnation. Shiridi Sai Baba’s advent
awakened the spirituality. Satya Sai Baba’s advent revealed the truth with the establishment of the dharma and Prema Sai is to embrace the whole world with love who is yet to descend, Shri Sanjay Sai Baba is the syncretic Avatar of all other three Sai avatars. Swami’s mission is not only related to Shri Satya Sai Baba but the Shirdi Sai and Prema Sai as well.